Saturday, May 01, 2010

Wow. That was Hard.

Thank goodness this semester is coming to an end!  It has really been challenging, much more so than last semester.  My classes were way more demanding--especially Ag Econ.  I pulled a crazy amount of all nighters--5 in total.  Last semester, I think I had one late night finishing up a paper, but definitely not 5 all nighters.  Yuck!  I still have 1 project and 2 finals to complete before the semester officially ends, but I feel much better already.  I am really hopeful about maybe getting a 4.0 this semester but it depends on Mingst's class.  A huge portion of our grade was the paper that I turned in this week and the final next week so I don't have a good idea about what my grade will be.  I'll just have to wait and see.  Anyway, I basically survived and am so excited about summer.  I'll be working at KRM full time and doing employment and casework.  Since they have started the new system, I will actually have my own cases so I think I will like that much better than focusing on a specific area.  I have plenty to work on this summer to keep me busy--learning French, summer reading assignments, developing syllabus for my independent study, preparing for comps, etc.  But I am also hoping to relax, spend some time at the Gorge, visit friends and family and enjoy life.  Ahhh!  I can't wait for summer break.  :-)

PS.  Blog posts will hopefully happen more frequently over the summer.  I may also reinvent my blog a bit.  We'll see.

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